Saturday, June 21, 2014 from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM
at Z-arts, 335 Stretford Rd, Hulme, M15 5ZA
The Nana Bonsu Project exhibition will be celebrating the life and work of Manchester’s most celebrated black campaigner Beresford Edwards aka “Nana Bonsu” (1930 – 2003) voted one of the 100 greatest Black Britons.
Born in Guyana, his contributions and achievements in the UK covered labour and workers rights, community development, young people development, community education and promoting African centred culture and lifestyle. He served as the General Secretary 1967 – 1971 of the Campaign Against Racial Discrimination, which led to the passing of the Race Relations Act 1968.
The exhibition features educational and historical resources, a short play by young people “Wen Wi Com Afa De Boat”, a short film screening of oral history interviews and a presentation of the Nana Bonsu website:, plus refreshments and cultural entertainment. We are grateful to the Heritage Lottery Fund for its support of this project.
We hope to make this event a high point in the 2014 social calendar of Manchester’s African Caribbean communities and intend the exhibition to work as a meeting point and a platform for ongoing community development in Manchester.