• Tag Archives black history
  • History of activism by Manchester Black Women

    Manchester Black Women - Women Of The Soil project

    First Cut Media have led on the production of an incredible project ‘Women Of The Soil‘ about the activism of Manchester black women.  Two keynote documentary films were produced plus another 25 films of detailed interviews, each lasting between 30 and 45 minutes as an historical archive.

    The Women Of The Soil project focuses on the professional achievements of Manchester black women and their activism within the community. It also looks at the ways in which Louise Da-Cocodia has influenced their professional/political /cultural development. Louise Da-Cocodia Education Trust is funded by Heritage Lottery Fund to work in partnership with First Cut Media and Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Education Trust on the Women Of The Soil project to produce a documentary and resources.

    The two keynote documentaries are presented here as follows, Continue reading  Post ID 1254