• Category Archives Projects
  • History of activism by Manchester Black Women

    Manchester Black Women - Women Of The Soil project

    First Cut Media have led on the production of an incredible project ‘Women Of The Soil‘ about the activism of Manchester black women.  Two keynote documentary films were produced plus another 25 films of detailed interviews, each lasting between 30 and 45 minutes as an historical archive.

    The Women Of The Soil project focuses on the professional achievements of Manchester black women and their activism within the community. It also looks at the ways in which Louise Da-Cocodia has influenced their professional/political /cultural development. Louise Da-Cocodia Education Trust is funded by Heritage Lottery Fund to work in partnership with First Cut Media and Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Education Trust on the Women Of The Soil project to produce a documentary and resources.

    The two keynote documentaries are presented here as follows, Continue reading  Post ID 1254

  • The Life and Work of Whit Stennett

    First Cut Media and Performing Arts Presents an evening of Community Celebration.

    Appreciating the Life and Work of Whit Stennett

    Councillor and former Lord Mayor of Trafford Borough.

    Saturday 2nd December 2017
    St John’s Community Centre
    St John’s Road
    Old Trafford
    M16 7GX

    This free event will consist of:
    A documentary screening
    Music and Poetry
    Cultural food and refreshments

    A great opportunity to acknowledge and honour Councillor Whit Stennett for his relentless contributions to sports and community development in Manchester



    Appreciating the Life and Work of Whit Stennett

  • PAC45 Final Presentation with Film Screening, Discussion and Website Launch

    The PAC45 Young Roots project was concluded with a final presentation of its work, which took place at Hideaway Youth Project in Moss Side, Manchester UK on 26th February 2016.  A film about the youth conference which opened the conference weekend in October 2015 was shown. This was followed by a sizzling discussion about the issues raised and how they relate to young people today. This was followed by the launch of the website and then food was served for all who attended.

    Some photos of the PAC45 Final Presentation event: (click on any photo to then view them as a large-size slideshow)

  • Marcus Garvey: My Thoughts






    Marcus_Garvey_1924-08-05 why cant I remember what Marcus Garvey done?

    “Marcus Garvey prophesy say, Oh yeah
    Man a go find him back against the wall, yeah.
    It a go bitter.
    When the right time comes, Lord, some a go charge fe
    When the right time come, yeah some a go charge fe arson.
    When the right time come, Lord, some a go charge fe
    Murder.” (Mighty Diamonds)

    Posted By – Natasha Chambers

  • Why you should appreciate people like Malcolm X







    what are your thoughts when someone says Malcolm X?

    when I hear someone mention Malcolm x, it makes me think about the different stories I hear about him and the more I hear about him, the more I appreciate and understand that he is one of the greatest that has saved  us black people from being judged for our colour. All though life is not exactly perfect, at least there are many of us that can stand and say ‘We are here and we are proud of who we are’.

    25334_1.preview“I am not a racist. I am against every form of racism and segregation, every form of discrimination. I believe in human beings, and that all human beings should be respected as such, regardless of their color.” — Malcolm X

    (posted by Nadia Everett)

  • Reclaiming our African Identity


    Dr. Maulana Karenga

    Kwanzaa is a week-long celebration of African heritage and is observed from December 26th to January 1st. It has seven core principles (Nguzo Saba) and was created by Dr. Maulana Karenga. It was first celebrated in 1966.
    From: http://nanabonsu.com/community-and-culture/kwanzaa-celebrations/ 

    Why are we so afraid to reclaim our African identity? 

    Growing up within a black community the topic of whether Caribbean people originated from Africa was quite common amongst my primary school peers.

    I can still hear the dramatic outcries of the Caribbean students protesting against what they felt to be an absolute insult because after all Africans were just “a charity case of uncivilised poor black people.” This was a racially negative stereotype that was constantly being portrayed within the media. It’s quite to safe to say our knowledge of Africa was extremely limited and we were in fact ignorant on the topic of African history and culture which I believe many black people still are today.

    I believe one step to resolve this issue would be to start teaching the younger generation true African history and traditions such as Kwanzaa. What is not encouraging is finding out the history teaching in schools are going against this idea according to  in an article called Black British History Must Feature Throughout the School Curriculum.

    “A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.”
    ― Marcus Garvey (The father of Pan-Africanism)

    (Authored by a member of young roots)

  • Nana Bonsu Project Exhibition & Community Celebration

    Saturday, June 21, 2014 from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM
    at Z-arts, 335 Stretford Rd, Hulme, M15 5ZA


    The Nana Bonsu Project exhibition will be celebrating the life and work of Manchester’s most celebrated black campaigner Beresford Edwards aka “Nana Bonsu” (1930 – 2003) voted one of the 100 greatest Black Britons.


    Born in Guyana, his contributions and achievements in the UK covered labour and workers rights, community development, young people development, community education and promoting African centred culture and lifestyle. He served as the General Secretary 1967 – 1971 of the Campaign Against Racial Discrimination, which led to the passing of the Race Relations Act 1968.

    The exhibition features educational and historical resources, a short play by young people “Wen Wi Com Afa De Boat”, a short film screening of oral history interviews and a presentation of the Nana Bonsu website: http://nanabonsu.com, plus refreshments and cultural entertainment.  We are grateful to the Heritage Lottery Fund for its support of this project.

    We hope to make this event a high point in the 2014 social calendar of Manchester’s African Caribbean communities and intend the exhibition to work as a meeting point and a platform for ongoing community development in Manchester. 

  • Celebration of the life and work of Beresford Edwards aka “Chief Nana Bonsu”

    Article from the Nubian Times, June 12th 2013:

    Old Trafford-based First Cut Media and Performing Arts Group have been awarded £49,700 from the Heritage Lottery Fund to produce an oral history celebrating the life and work of Beresford Edwards – a founding father of Manchester’s African Caribbean community.

    The project will enable 50 young people and volunteers to discover, explore and learn about their history and culture in the UK, specifically from the 1960’s – 2000’s.


    Money from the Heritage Lottery Fund will also help them develop skills through training in research, video and audio recording techniques, desk-top digital editing, website development and desk-top publishing. Skills learnt will be valuable skills that young people can use to pursue a career.

    First Cut Media & Performing Arts Group is a registered charity with a long history of working with disadvantaged groups and individuals in order to develop their expressive, creative and technical skills in television, video and drama production.

    Over the past 20 years, the focus has been on providing media training opportunities for the communities of Moss Side, Hulme, Old Trafford and other inner city areas of Manchester.

    Ian Johns, Chair of First Cut, said: “We at First Cut are thrilled to have received the support of the Heritage Lottery Fund. The project will communicate how much British attitudes to racial diversity has changed since the 1960’s and will reflect on how much we all owe to the work of people like Berry Edwards in promoting equal opportunities.”

    Sara Hilton, Head of the Heritage Lottery Fund North West, commented: “We at the Heritage Lottery Fund are delighted to be supporting this project, run by volunteers, that will empower young people to explore and celebrate the life and work of Beresford Edwards ‘Chief Nana Bonsu’, one of the founding fathers of the African Caribbean community in Manchester.”

    Known variously as Baba Berry, Chief Nana Bonsu (the honorary title conferred on him by African Mancunians), was of huge importance to Britain’s African community, especially in Manchester, which became his home. He died in his native Guyana in 2003.

    The oral history project will highlight his role in initiatives such as the Campaign Against Racial Discrimination, social justice, equal opportunities, and his struggles with racism and discrimination.

    This gallery contains 1 photographs in all as   photograph etc.